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phpBB Forum Database backup

We can provide database backup of phpBB forum hosted by www.bizhat.com, www.netfreehost.com, www.servertalk.in, www.phpbbweb.com for $20.

Backup will be provided in "tar.gz" compressed format.

This is database backup, you need to restore it on your new server with phpMyAdmin or similar utility. Also you may need to change "config" table according to your web web host to get the phpBB database working on your server.

To do the MySQL restore, you need some experiance in SQL, if your new server use a different version of MySQL, restore will give error and you have to correct the SQL syntax by editing the .sql file.

If you have phpMyAdmin or SSH access, we can restore the database for $10 extra.

Make Payment for Forum Backup


After making payment you need to contact us with forum admin user name and password. Only admin of the forum can request backup.